The method of solving the noise of the fan is solved by the following four methods when the fan used by the enterprise feels loud:
1) The noise of the casing and the motor can be solved by installing an acoustic enclosure. The fan is placed in an independent fan sound insulation room, and the sound absorption and sound insulation are processed in the fan room.
2) Install a muffler outside the fan exhaust vent and built-in muffler inserts to reduce noise when passing through a specially constructed muffler. A muffler is a measure to reduce the radiation in the inlet and outlet of an aerodynamic device or to transmit noise along a pipe. "mine energy saving fan"
3) Use anechoic louvers as much as possible on the ground floor louvers.
4) The fan is suspended by a damper spring hanger damper.
The installation of sound insulation cover to solve is ## commonly used. Others are solved by buying equipment from manufacturers. Also look at the form of the field fan used, the size of its location. If you have any questions, you can discuss and solve each other.